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GET - Specs

The specs API gives information about a given style's specs. This information is used to build the spec sheets.

Resource URL:


Request Options:

Get All /v2/specs/ Returns all styles
Filter Results /v2/specs/{spec} /v2/specs/634 Returns specs matching filter condition

{spec} = is a comma separated list of spec identifiers
identifiers = SpecID
Filter Results By Style /v2/specs/?style={style} /v2/specs/?style=39,Gildan 5000 /v2/specs/?style=00760,Gildan 5000 Returns specs matching filter condition

{style} = is a comma separated list of style identifiers
identifiers = StyleID, PartNumber, BrandName Name
Filter Fields /v2/spec/39?fields={fields} /v2/spec/39?fields=SizeName,SpecName,Value Returns only the fields that you request

{fields} = is a comma separated list of style object fields
fields = See style object definition below
Response Format /v2/specs/39?mediatype={mediatype} /v2/specs/39?mediatype=json Determines the response type

{mediatype} = json or xml (Default=json)

Example Request:



        "specID": 39,
        "styleID": 253,
        "partNumber": "13498",
        "brandName": "IZOD",
        "styleName": "13Z0075",
        "sizeName": "S",
        "sizeOrder": "B1",
        "specName": "Neck Size",
        "value": "16"

Specs Object Definition:

specID Integer Unique ID for this spec (Will never change)
styleID Integer Unique ID for this style (Will never change)
partNumber String First 5 digits of our sku number. It is the same for all skus in the style.
brandName String The brand that makes this style.
styleName String The style's name. Style names are unique within a brand.
sizeName String Size Name that the spec belongs to.
sizeOrder String Sort order for the size compared to other sizes in the style.
specName String The name of the spec.
value String The value of the spec.